Thursday, June 15, 2023

Victrix: New Plastic Late Roman Cataphract Cavalry Preview

Victrix: Late Roman Cataphracts: Here we have some renders of the second Late Roman Cataphract figure. He has more mail armour than our first Cataphract, he continues to wear the articulated arm and leg armour plus a coat of metal plates (lamellar).

He wears some of the Late Roman ridge helmet options and one with a face mask similar to the Sutton Hoo find which is similar to some Late Roman Graffiti from Bulgaria. Face masked helmets from 4th and 5th centuries have been found in eastern Europe so were used alongside the more open face styles. It seems that the tall conical helmet portrayed on figure 1 with a very Parthian, Palmyran style was used alongside the ridge helmets into the 5th Century most likely in the Eastern Provinces.

He has an axe hanging form the front of his saddle which was a popular secondary weapon alongside the long sword. This figure has the option of using his Kontos in the overhead style we often see depicted plus also riding with upright Kontos. We will also be adding some standard bearer options. We should have the 3rd figure ready in a couple of weeks and finish sculpting this set in the next month or so.

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