Friday, July 26, 2024

Brigade Models: New WWI A7V Sturmpanzerwagen Release

Brigade Models: New WWI A7V Sturmpanzerwagen Release

Joseph A. McCullough: New Deathship One - SciFi Survival Game Release

Joseph A. McCullough: Welcome to Deathship One. Better listen up, because the truth is, you probably won’t live long. You see, you’ve been brought here to die. I don’t know why. Maybe it’s a test or an experiment to measure the capability of warriors from your planet. Maybe it’s just entertainment, like a circus or gameshow. Or maybe this is punishment, a personal purgatory for your sins. Now, I don’t mean to bring you down. I just don’t want to fill you with any false hopes either.

On the other side of that door is a room, and beyond that another, and another, and another. In fact, there are five rooms in total. Each of those rooms is designed to kill you in different ways. Traps, monsters, automated weapons systems, you name it. No, I can’t tell you what the next room looks like, even if I wanted to. It changes every time. The rooms shift around you see. But you’ve got one chance. You’ve got to fight your way through all five rooms. In the unlikely event you survive, you get to go home. So, it’s that simple. You fight your way through, you survive. You might even find a few things to help you on the way. Seriously though, make your peace before you open that door, because once you do, there’s going to be no time for praying…

Deathship One is a solo or co-operative miniatures games of science-fiction survival. Choose a squad of soldiers from any time period, or even the future, and see if they can survive the horrors of the Deathship. Designed to play fast, with a minimum of rules and terrain, it takes miniatures gaming right now to the nitty gritty of running, shooting, and dying. Designed by Joseph A. McCullough the creator of Frostgrave, Stargrave, Rangers of Shadow Deep, Oathmark, and The Silver Bayonet. Check these new rules here

Alternative Armies: Halcyon Miniatures Releases Set Three The Nobles and Servants

Alternative Armies: On your knees serf! Nobles and Lords with their Servants are here in Halcyon Miniatures third round of 28mm sci-fi releases. See the article for five new poses plus accessories pack and value saver sets. Great in any system and with our Alternate Stars and Ion Age ranges too. Thanks!

Alternative Armies: Minisocles 15mm Scifi HOF Miniatures Review Video

Alternative Armies: New 15mm sci-fi review video from talented French painter and enthusiast Dimitri “Minisocles” Peyrard. Features our HOF Range with Grey Aliens, Hazmat Team and the Star Mercs. Click through for the video on our blog. Thanks!

Firestorm Games: Fallout Wasteland Warfare, Bolt Action Third Edition and Dungeons & Dragons Discounted!

Firestorm Games: Fallout Wasteland Warfare, Bolt Action Third Edition and Dungeons & Dragons Discounted! Check them all here and venture into your own miniature tabletop wastelands, battlefields and dungeons.

Pen and Sword: Wargaming and Tabletop Miniatures, Scenery Books!

Pen and Sword: Wargaming and Tabletop Miniatures, Scenery Books! Check them all here

Pen & Sword's new wargaming books will offer original sets of rules and supporting scenario books across a wide range of periods, plus more general books on various aspects of the hobby, such as modelling, painting miniatures and making terrain. They are commissioned and written by wargamers for wargamers. Whether you are a veteran gamer or a new recruit to this fun, fascinating and increasingly popular hobby, there is sure to be something here for you.

Rebel Minis: Able, Baker, Charlie - WW2 Squad Level Combat Rules

Rebel Minis: “Charlie, come in! Where are you?” A light machine gun has your squad pinned down. Two of your men have gone out of the fight and the rest are ducked down in cover. All hell’s breaking loose and everyone is looking to you for the answer. Right about now you’re wondering what the heck you’ve gotten yourself into. Check these rules here

Welcome to Able, Baker, Charlie! Able, Baker, Charlie were the call signs for the soldiers when the Squad was broken down into smaller Teams. It helped identify them on the radio and helped keep them alive. Now that’s your job! Able, Baker, Charlie is WW2 Squad level combat at its best. No flipping a card to see who moves first or telling you when to shoot. Instead, we use the Two Hour Wargames Reaction System, top of the line since 2005. How your Squad performs, if they survive, and if they achieve their Missions is up to you.

Wayland Games: Venture Into The Ruined Underhells Of Hive Secundus and The Dwarfen Mountain Holds!

Wayland Games: The latest expansion for Necromunda is here, Hive Secundus! Deep in the Underhells, the House Van Saar faces off against the Genestealers in this new boxed set, complete with bulkhead terrain, rulebook, cards, and dice. If your ideal Old World army is short, stout, and bearded, then this week's Dwarfen Mountain Holds miniatures have got you covered! Pre-order the new Dwarfen Mountain Holds Arcane Journal and Dice Set, Battalion, Dwarf Warriors, and many more! Check them here

Spectre Miniatures: New Criminal Element Heavies Preview

Spectre Miniatures: New Criminal Element Heavies Preview

Element Games: Necromunda Hive Secundis and Warhammer Old World Dwarfs!

Element Games: Have a great weekend from all at Element! Let's head over to the Labs of Hive Secundis where I'm sure nothing untoward has been happening... We've been waiting for these bearded beau ideals to come back for an age! The Dwarfs are finally back and marching from their mountain holds. Get your hands on possibly the best army box Warhammer Old World has seen yet. Check them here

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Empress Miniatures: New WWI and RCW Miniatures Release

Empress Miniatures: We have four new packs for the WW1 and RCW ranges in these rooms in the shop. Superbly sculpted by Paul Hicks with huge character.

Galloping Major: New FIW & SYW British Regular Command

Galloping Major: Into the British Regulars pages for FIW & SYW I've added 3 command figures (two officers and a Drummer) from pack SYW/FIW 04 but now available individually to enable greater flexibility when planning, ordering and creating your Redcoat units.

At the same time, recognising that not everyone will need five British Line Infantry Sergeants from a six figure pack, or in some cases will want a few more without ordering a whole other pack, I've added two "half pack" alternatives to pack SYW/FIW B09, using the same figures but three at a time.

Eureka Miniatures: New Napoleonic Zombies, Armed Citizens and More!

Eureka Miniatures: We the People - 28mm Wars of the French Revolution "We The People" yes indeed the people are about to speak, 27 armed citizens suitable for the 1780s to the 1880s. Whether supporting the French or American Revolutions or worried about the 'Mad Doctor' and his experiments, these figures will fit the bill. Also available now a new set of Napoleonic Zombies. And in a similar vein of Napoleonic nastiness, we present to you a new vignette for our Wars of the French Revolution range, the Corpse Collectors.

Victrix: New Plastic 12mm Universal Carriers Release

Victrix: Universal Carriers: Now Shipping! We are really pleased to finally have the 12mm/1/144th Universal Carriers on release. There have been a few delays beyond our control getting these out but I hope you can agree that these wonderful little models are worth the wait.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Northstar Miniatures: New Plastic Orc Heavy Infantry, Elf Heavy Infantry, Frostgrave Cultists III and Much More!

Northstar Miniatures: What's next from North Star? I know we've been a bit quiet on the news front these past couple of weeks, but just to reassure you we are still working, this is what's planned.

In the next week or so we'll announce the pre-orders for the new Orc Heavy Infantry for Oathmark, both the plastic box set and metal characters. Michael Anderson is also well underway with the Elf Heavy Infantry next. Frostgrave, Cultists III are on the way to the tool makers, the next plastic box set. We're a way off showing you pictures but we will ASAP.

Stargrave. Bobby Jackson is 1/2 way through a secret plastic box set which we'll release next year with the next supplement from Joseph McCullough. The Silver Bayonet. Mike Owen has finished a new French and British Unit, this time dressed for Egypt, and we start on the figures for the new Supplement Italy this week. Muskets & Tomahawks. We're finishing off the Germans for the AWI, and a new set of British Rangers for AWI as well.

We've just received a box of new figures from Bob Murch, so we'll be announcing the new Pulp figures this month. Crusader Miniatures continue with their Boxer Rebellion range, look out for the Russians next. Artizan Design has more Renaissance coming, and a new Commando Raid WWII range which has an exciting twist to it, more news later. Fans of Copplestone Castings 15mm Barbarica range may be cheering loud soon. Mr Copplestone hasn't added to the range, but we'll have something excellent to show you very soon. S'all right innit?

Victrix: Medieval & Fantasy Heads: Pre-Release Starts Friday!

Victrix: Medieval & Fantasy Heads: Pre-release starts Friday! As you know, we will soon be releasing a Medieval/Fantasy conversion head frame, one that's perfect for converting our new Medieval Knights set into Teutonic Knights, later Medieval Knights and various fantasy warriors.

Here is just one of the many incredible variations the heads set allows you to make! Believe it or not, these have all been hand painted by the incredibly talented Jean Peinture. Over the next couple of weeks, we will be sharing lots of variations from this set, so stayed tuned.

Steel Fist Miniatures: Price Rise Forthcoming!

Steel Fist Miniatures: I'm afraid that an inevitable increase is imminent. As you will be aware costs are rising and my metal costs have increased by 23%. This will be the first price rise I think I have made since owning the business. The higher costs are impacting everyone and I fully expect that it will lead to less figures being purchased across the hobby.

I'd like to take this opportunity to reiterate that nearly all sales go into making more sculpts etc, as this is a hobby-business for myself too. I may also have to remove a few packs too - mainly some Samurai and Renaissance accessories - which are now on older moulds and so are a challenge to keep stocked up and no longer viable to cover the cost of new moulds etc. I'll adjust prices sometime in August. It's not something I want to do and I hope that everyone will be understanding. To add a positive note - there are new figures at both the master mould and sculpting stages and so there will be some Summer releases too. More previews to follow. Thanks again for support - both past and future. Simon

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Alternative Armies: Platform Propulsion Units Released 28mm Ion Age Range

Alternative Armies: New 28mm Ion Age releases! Propulsion systems for Portable Weapon Platforms. Following up on the new Retained and Planetary Militia gun teams. Huge range and choice in over 250 poses. See the article for details. Thanks!

Day of Battle Games and POD: My Happy Birthday Sale – 40% Off!

Day of Battle Games and POD: My Happy Birthday Sale – 40% Off! Yes it is my birthday week and instead of receiving gifts I wish to give you all a gift. This Birthday Sale will run until Monday July 29th. I am not going to tell you how old I am but I think the Dinosaur says it all Here is a hint, I did go through two draft picks during the Vietnam War. So use the code birthday at check out and 40% will be deducted from your order. Woo Hoo Check the website here

Monday, July 22, 2024

WIP Games and Miniatures: New Achaemenid Persian Archers

WIP Games and Miniatures: New Achaemenid Persian Archers Release

Warlord Games: New SciFi Judge Dredd: Lone Wolves Characters

Warlord Games: New SciFi Judge Dredd: Lone Wolves Characters

Warlord Games: New ACW Confederate General and Staff

Warlord Games: New ACW Confederate General and Staff

Warlord Games: Bolt Action - Battle Of The Bulge Starter Set With Hardback Rulebook

Warlord Games: Bolt Action - Battle Of The Bulge Starter Set With Hardback Rulebook

Reaper Miniatures: New Fantasy Hiss, Young Dragon Creature

Reaper Miniatures: New Fantasy Hiss, Young Dragon Creature

Reaper Miniatures: New Fantasy Spikeshell Antipaladin Hero

Reaper Miniatures: New Fantasy Spikeshell Antipaladin Hero

Reaper Miniatures: New Dire Jellyfish Creature

Reaper Miniatures: New Dire Jellyfish Creature

Reaper Miniatures: New Fantasy Brinewind Ogre Porter

Reaper Miniatures: New Fantasy Brinewind Ogre Porter

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Reaper Miniatures: New Fantasy Axolotii Heroes!

Reaper Miniatures: New Fantasy Axolotii Heroes!

Northstar Miniatures: New Boxer Rebellion Chinese Tigermen

Northstar Miniatures: New Boxer Rebellion Chinese Tigermen

Victrix: New Plastic Medieval Foot Knights Preview

Victrix: A lot of you have been asking are we going to be doing Foot knights and Medieval European foot troops to go with our Medieval mounted knights? Well the answer is yes and here are a few renders of the first 5 Foot knight figures and their options.

There will ultimately be 8 figures on the Foot knights main frame, so not long to go until it is off to be laid up and tooled. There will be 5 knights in surcoats and 3 in all mail. Surcoats were not universal during the early to middle 13th Century. Surcoats were more widespread in the Crusader states earlier on probably due to Islamic influence and became more widespread in Europe over time to help denote a knights’ coat of arms.

This set will have plenty of arm, weapon and head options with a wide variety of helmet styles including some Kettle helmet styles and arming caps, plus you will be able to mix in parts from the mounted knights and the upcoming Fantasy Medieval heads frame. Weapons include swords, axes (both single and double handed) spears, maces and an unusual weapon called a Batwing cleaver (looks a bit like a brutal fish slice!) Type it into Google and you can see some Medieval illustrations of the weapon.

There will be a wide variety of poses with some great movement and dynamism, and we have really tried to get movement into the cloth skirts of the surcoats. We have overcome the solid plastic fills you often see on other models with some very clever modelling and fit and function on the lower skirt areas.

It is a great set and we have really enjoyed the research and design of these models. And of course there will be plenty of shield transfers and flags to come from LBMS. Once these are done in a couple of weeks we will start on the other Medieval foot sergeants armed with a variety of weapons. We have a lot of reference already but if anybody wants to send us more imagery we can draw inspiration from it is always welcome.