Sunday, February 16, 2025

Wargames Atlantic: New Plastic Fantasy Villagers and Town Guard

Wargames Atlantic: New Plastic Fantasy Villagers and Town Guard

Wayland Games: The High Elf Realms Enter The Old World!

Wayland Games: The High Elves return to the Old World this week with a whole host of exciting pointy-eared pre-orders. Fight in the name of Ulthuan with the new Arcane Journal and Dice Set. Ready your High Elf Realms army and pre-order the new Battalion, Eagle-Claw Bolt Throwers, White Lions of Chrace, Swordmasters of Hoeth, and High Elf Lord on Dragon! Check them all here

Great Escape Games: New 28mm WWII Hungarian Cavalry

Great Escape Games: Our third wave of 28mm Hungarian Cavalry for WWII is released.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

WIP Games and Miniatures: New Old West Gunfighters Release

WIP Games and Miniatures: Our first 28mm white metal miniature release for 2025 are these lovely ‘Old West Gunfighters’, which are available to buy as single miniatures and are priced at just £2.00 each. These very characterful miniatures are perfect for use with any Old West rules system or scenario, and could quite easily be either Lawmen or Outlaws! We hope to release plenty more of Old West miniatures during the course of the year, so keep your eyes peeled! Thanks for looking, and happy gaming!

Element Games: High Elves Sail To The Old World!

Element Games: High Elves Sail To The Old World! Check them here

Friday, February 14, 2025

Saucermen Studios: Grid City: Gothic Kickstarter Fully Funded!

Saucermen Studios: Grid City: Gothic is the perfect backdrop for your Grimdark battles and skirmish tables of 28-32mm miniatures. This highly detailed interconnecting, modular terrain system with industrial-gothic theme, can be used as stand-alone scenery, fully integrated into the existing Grid City terrain range and even combined with many Flatline City buildings. Combine diverse configurations with walkways and gantries that attach easily to create custom, sci-fi layouts that are different every game. Check the Kickstarter here

Alternative Armies: Adore a Monster FM24v2 The Silent Shambler Returns at Half Price

Alternative Armies: Adore a Monster! Ain’t he ‘cute’. Restored and half price for Valentines Weekend (until 18th Feb) The Silent Shambler a 1980’s classic by Nick Bibby for Asgard Miniatures. Painted superbly by Studio Maxi. Read and see plus of course the Shambler is any scale use miniature as is the free Flower of Evil III which is auto free in orders. Love tabletop gaming!

Wayland Games: New Warhammer 40K Death Korps of Krieg!

Wayland Games: Astra Militarum players can deploy more reinforcements, with vast additions to their arsenal available to pre-order now! Pick up your copy of the new Death Korps of Krieg Codex, Datasheet Cards, and Dice Set, and rally the troops with the new Combat Patrol. Thunder into enemy lines with genetically modified steeds of the Death Riders, or add the consummate battlefield commander Lord Marshal Dreir to lead the charge! Check them all here

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Element Games: New Plastic Warhammer 40K Death Korps of Krieg Reinforcements Incoming!

Element Games: secure your order now to requisition enough hardened troops to hold the line and repel the enemies of Mankind. Don’t be caught unprepared when war calls! Check them all here

Alternative Armies: New MDF Bases Added To Extensive Bases Range

Alternative Armies: New Bases! Element sizes for HOTT 2nd edition in MDF. Now 60 choices in the range covering resin, metal, wood of an array of shapes and sizes. We also have ready made 24AP Armies for HOTT which come with free bases. Free Flower of Evil III auto in all orders until 10th March 2025.

Monday, February 10, 2025

WIP Games and Miniatures: OBG - Sub-Roman Britain in Stock

WIP Games and Miniatures: Our latest rulebook, Sub-Roman Britain – which is the fifth book in the ‘On Bloody Ground’ series of period-specific mass-combat rulebooks is back from the printers, and as promised, all pre-orders have now been shipped!

Everyone that pre-ordered will have had a notification that their order has shipped and is on its way, and most, if not all, should already have their new book in hand by now. Re-fight the heroic battles of Arthur and Merlin, or the infamous brothers Hengist and Horsa, to name but a few! 'Sub-Roman Britain' features for the very first time our new Character Design rule, which gives every player the ability to create their own characters from history and accurately point them according to their unique options and special rules. Sub-Roman Britain is now part of our current catalogue, with all orders shipping immediately, from stock.

Why should I play On Bloody Ground?

• Each book includes full core, and period specific rules.
• Our rules are clearly written, and use a ‘common sense’ approach.
• Deploying armies is a tactical and challenging part of each battle.
• The use of terrain is simple, and valuable at the same time.
• Commanders can play an important role, but only as part of a balanced army.
• Command points are available as a limited resource to influence the game.
• Combat is engaging for both players and reflects the push and shove of battle.
• Movement avoids tedious complexity, whilst retaining realistic limitations.
• Ranged attacks reflect their effectiveness during each period.
• The effects of psychology are represented by erosion rather than disintegration.
• Army lists are balanced, comprehensive, and easy to use.
• Our new ‘Character Design’ rules allow players to create any number of points

balanced historical or hypothetical commanders, within the restrictions of their own army list. These new rules are available as a free download from our website and Facebook page, and can be used with all current and future rulebooks.

What else should I know?

• We don’t bulk our rulebooks with unnecessary words and pictures.
• Our rules are stable, with no regular ‘New Editions’ to buy.
• Each period book is a complete game, with no ‘Supplements’ required.
• All of our books contain both contents and comprehensive index pages.
• After just a couple of games, familiarity with the rules becomes second nature.

What about supporting the game?

It’s easy to say we have lots planned for the system (which we do, of course!), but an important thing for any game is growth, which we’re gaining all the time as we release more and more books (between 10 and 12 new periods will be covered during 2025), and the continued support from the publishers, which we have via our website and Facebook page primarily, but probably more importantly, On Bloody Ground is our wargaming hobby, rather than just another product set within a vast range of catalogue pages. This is the game we developed to play so that we could enjoy this fabulous hobby, and we’re always on hand to answer questions, provide insights into what we’re currently developing for those that are interested, or just to chat about tactics and army building!

A quick note…

We're also making much more use of our YouTube channel, so if you want to get an idea of how the game plays, why not pop over there to see our regular battle reports. We'd love to hear your thoughts about what we've done so far, or what you might like to see from us in the future. Thanks for reading, and happy gaming.

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Alternative Armies: Flower of Evil III Free in Orders and What is Coming until March 10th

Alternative Armies: Flower of Evil III new and free in all shipped orders until 10th March 2025. Any Scale use (shown on a 30mm base). See article for details as well as what is coming. News on Bases, The Ion Age, classic Asgard and a huge Dwarf project. New deals and offers too until 10th March. Keeping the fun in tabletop gaming. Check them here

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Alternative Armies: Norman Quilted Infantry 28mm Scale Plus Weapons Restored

Alternative Armies: Sculpted alongside the venerable Fantasy Warlord range in 1990-1991 we are proud to announce the restoration of 28mm scale historical codes. Norman Infantry (open handed) as well as a Norman Officer and a sprue of spears, two different shields and a saver full unit too. 11th Century and the time of the Conquest. Check more information here

Monday, February 3, 2025

Wayland Games: Da Gloomspite Gitz Are Coming!

Wayland Games: The Gloomspite Gitz are raising a ruckus throughout the Mortal Realms this week as the Gitmob Army Set is available to pre-order now! This new set for Age of Sigmar features the new Battletome, Warscroll Cards and an unruly mob of miniatures. More Gitz are running riot in Warhammer Underworlds, with Borgit's Beastgrabbaz also available to pre-order now, for 20% off RRP! Stock up on your Gitz and prepare for battle. Check them here

Alternative Armies: Furioso Renaissance Rules Back In Print!

Alternative Armies: Furioso by Steve Danes is back in print! 16th Century warfare in any scale and it has an Italian Wars expansion. Huge 15mm range (over 200 poses) supporting including personalities, artillery and much more such as Leonardo Da Vinci and his tank. Free downloads too. See the website. Thanks.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Khurasan Miniatures: New Giant Monster SKEGG Preview

Khurasan Miniatures: Can a colossal robot be criminally insane? The rogue excavator mech, “The SKEGG,” says YES! The SKEGG was designed for excavation work on a distant, inhospitable moon of Saturn. To operate independently, it was designed sentient, but aggression inhibitors were installed to prevent The SKEGG from going insane — or, at least, from acting on its insanity. So the immense robot toiled alone on this moon for years, until the Alien Conquerors discovered the robot, ripped out its inhibitors, and brought it back to Earth, to extract its revenge…. The SKEGG is a resin model and will be released in Khurasan Miniatures’ LEVIATHANS giant monster range, as an Alien Conqueror.

Victrix: New Plastic Medieval Foot Sergeants Preview

Victrix: Medieval Foot Sergeants! This is a selection of poses from the Medieval Foot Sergeants set due out shortly from Victrix. It will be a 32 figure set representing Medieval Foot Sergeants of the late 12th to late 13th Century, and contain some great poses and an enormous amount of variety in weapons, heads and costume.

Weapons include a large array of polearms, 2 handed axes, spears, swords, hand axes, maces, shields and even a few Batwing cleavers. There are arms to create command figures, including standard bearer arms, Hornblowers and a bit of a first in Medieval plastic... a drummer beating the charge.

The heads have some fantastic expressions and character, and the headwear varies from a plethora of Kettle Helmet styles, bowl type helmets, flat topped helmets and some just wearing arming caps. Armour styles consist of just a Gambeson or Aketon or one over the top of the other which was common. Mail Hauberks and some with all mail legs and arms for the more heavily equipped soldiers of the time. Notice the raised padded neck collar on the padded armour which was common and added more protection to the vulnerable neck.

This set will be great for use in the Crusades or in any Feudal European setting, be it the Barons war the Spanish Reconquista or Italians, French, Germans or troops from the Low countries. We have also nearly finished our Medieval crossbowmen and archers set, which will also have extra arms that can be used on this set, adding even more variety to the growing Victrix Medieval range. Stay tuned for more news.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Alternative Armies: GPSR Compliant Shipping Resumes to EU/EEA and NI at Alternative Armies

Alternative Armies: We are back in Europe! EU/EEA and NI nations can order from us once more. GPSR compliance in full at Alternative Armies. See the article for details or browse the website. Its been a process for sure and we thank our Euro customers and welcome their return. Order as normal.

Victrix: New Decal Transfers and Islamic Cavalry

Victrix: Victrix folks! We have been hard at work behind the scenes. We still in the process of getting everything up and running for LBMS, and we have lots cool sets in the works that we can't wait to show off! In the meantime, what better way to start the year than with a beautiful shot of our Medieval Knights charging across the battlefield. If only there were some foot knights to back these guys up... Islamic Cavalry + New Transfers available now and will start shipping Friday!

Wargames Atlantic: German MG-08 Crews (1914-1918) Pre Order Live!

Wargames Atlantic: German MG-08 Crews (1914-1918) Pre Order Live!

Monday, January 27, 2025

Element Games: Warhammer 40K Rise of the Phoenix Lords!

Element Games: New Warhammer 40K Rise of the Phoenix Lords! Check them here

Wayland Games: New Aeldari Kits Have Arrived!

Wayland Games: This week it's the Aeldari's time to shine, as they prepare for their final battle against the forces of Chaos in Warhammer 40,000. You can now pre-order the new Codex, Datasheet Cards, Dice, and a whole host of new miniatures. There's plenty of pre-orders for fans of the Aeldari as the Phoenix Lords: Lhykhis, Baharroth, Asurmen, and Fuegan are up to 20% off RRP. Don't forget the new Warp Spiders, War Walkers, Wave Serpent, and more! Check them all here

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Alternative Armies: VNT63 Skeleton Crossbows New 28mm Releases

Alternative Armies: Skeleton Crossbows! By customer request sculpted and now added to the mighty Undead Legions Range (Giant, Chariot, Weapon Sets and more). Singles or Pack with Saving. Last new of the month. Until 6th Feb the Three Wise Skeletons are added free to all shipped orders. Bolt on over! Check them here

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Element Games: Reinforcements Have Arrived for the Empire of Man!

Element Games: This week, the mighty Greatswords return to the battlefield, ready to bolster the ranks of mankind's defenders. Rally your forces, claim dominance over the Empire, and stand firm against the countless threats looming on all sides. Will you lead humanity to glory or see it crushed under the weight of its foes? Check them here

Yes, That's 3D Printed: "Donate Your Pile of Shame" — Wargamer Charity Drive by Yes, That's 3D Printed and FauxHammer

Yes, That's 3D Printed: London, UK – 17 January 2025 – Yes, That's 3D Printed, in collaboration with FauxHammer is happy to announce the Wargamer Charity Drive, taking place between 1-28 February 2025. Check for more information here

The Wargamer Charity Drive was inspired by internal discussions about hobbyists’ "piles of shame" — those unpainted or unused models gathering dust — and the idea that they represent an untapped resource, which could be turned into something useful. The charity drive (with the tagline 'Donate Your Pile of Shame’) will collect these underutilised items, and distribute them to locations of the charity Game Therapy UK across the UK, US, Canada and Australia.

Game Therapy UK is an international charity (Reg: 1201860) run by volunteers that provides therapeutic gaming sessions to disadvantaged groups that face severe difficulties in socialising. Projects are run for children with autism, special education needs or chronic diseases, as well as adults facing homelessness or recovery and veterans. Group gaming has been well-documented as an effective form of socialisation therapy, connecting participants in a warm, natural and fun way. While this therapy is typically only available through paid clinics, Game Therapy UK is offering it entirely free of charge.

The organisers invite all tabletop gamers, miniature hobbyists and hobby shops to visit the website and consider participating. Donations can be sent throughout all of February, allowing for a bit of head start on spring cleaning. Participants may also support Game Therapy UK via cash donations, which are accepted worldwide. Funds will be used to help set up additional therapy projects and locations.

Badger Games: Pontoonier Miniatures Release 28mm Ethiopians

Badger Games: Pontoonier has released the first wave of miniatures in a range of figures to cover the first forays of Italy into East Africa in the 1880s. Theses cover the irregular infantry of the Kingdom of Ethiopia. While designed for the 1880s and 1890s and taken from period photographs and illustrated newspapers, these figures have a far wider reach. Many of the melee armed figures will work for Ethiopian armies from the late Medieval period through the Renaissance. Add in the firearms and these figures will work for the 18th Century, Victorian Era and even through the Second World War.

In the Victorian Era alone, Ethiopia fought wars against Britain, Italy, Ottoman Turkey, Ethiopian Warlords, Egypt, Zanzibar, Somali Tribes, Belgians and even two wars with the Madhi of the Sudan. This provides a wealth of campaigns and “what-ifs” for gamers. The initial release has eight packs with four variants per pack providing all of the variety and completeness customers have come to expect from Pontonier Miniatures. Pontoonier plans to greatly expand this range with scores of additional figures to be released in 2025! Watch this space. Pontoonier Miniatures are distributed exclusively by Badger Games. For more information please see here

Monday, January 20, 2025

Wayland Games: Explore The Impressive Machinery Of The Solar Auxilia

Wayland Games: Explore impressive machinery in addition to the Solar Auxilia squads this week! With aerial transport like the Arvus Ligher, to land tanks ready to set the battlefield ablaze with the Malcador Infernus, those who battle with the Solar Auxilia can ready themselves for a fierce fight. Fans of The Old World, fear not! Considerable additions have been made to the most powerful nation. Fortify the frontlines with the Empire State Missile Troops, or gain advantage against armoured foes with the Empire Greatswords. Check these new miniatures here

WIP Games and Miniatures: On Bloody Ground – Sub-Roman Britain Pre-Release Now Available!

WIP Games and Miniatures: On Bloody Ground – Sub-Roman Britain Pre-release now available! Re-fight the heroic battles of Arthur and Merlin, or the infamous brothers Hengist and Horsa, to name but a few! Sub-Roman Britain is the fifth book in our series of period specific mass combat rulebooks, and we’re excited to say that it is with the printers now, and we should have physical stock by the end of January 2025. All pre-orders are guaranteed to be posted out on the same day that we receive the new stock from our printers, which means that most will arrive well before the rulebook goes on general release. 

What’s in the book?

As with each of our previous rulebooks, Sub-Roman Britain contains the full rules for On Bloody Ground – Mass Combat, as well as a number of complete army lists for the period, along with period specific rules, weapons and armour.

Also included in this rulebook for the very first time is a brand new rule, which allows players to create their own balanced and pointed characters. This new addition gives almost unlimited options when it comes to recreating the heroes and characters from history in your games. Sub-Roman Britain is priced at just £12.95 and has 54 pages full of common sense rules that provide both challenging and exciting games.

As our schedule of releases has now jumped to between 10 and 12 new releases this year, we’ll be covering many more periods and producing a ton of new army lists, which will allow players to join in and get started with the best historical mass combat wargame on the planet! (We’re still working on the proof to back that up!). If there’s a specific period you or your gaming buddies would like to see covered by On Bloody Ground, why not let us know, and we’ll see if we can get it sorted sooner, rather than later! Thanks for reading, and happy gaming!

Badger Games: New Have A Nice Day Miniatures Pig-Faced Orcs

Badger Games: Have A Nice Day Miniatures continues to release fantastic miniatures for old School Roleplay Gamers. This time they have expanded their fantastic range of Humanoids with more pig-faced orcs. These beautiful sculpts represent the classic old school interpretation of Orcs made that represent the original Orcs from classic Advanced Dungeons and Dragons and should hold a special place in the heart of old school gamers young and old.

Adding to the huge list of miniatures are an Orc Warlord and his personal standard as well as more armored orcs, spearmen and crossbows to fill out your retinue. With these latest additions, there is not an Orcish warband that cannot be configured. While designed for role play gamers, the completeness of this range means one could easily create and army for your favorite fantasy wargame rules. There is one more pig-faced Orc release planned with several pieces that we guarantee will blow gamers away and allow for some truly awesome scenarios. So, watch this space! Have A Nice Day Miniatures are available exclusively from Badger Games. Check them here

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Blue Panther LLC: Vive L'Empereur: 2nd Edition Solitaire Hex and Counter Wargame

Blue Panther LLC: "Vive L'Empereur!" is a solitaire hex and counter wargame depicting the decisive Battle of Waterloo on June 18, 1815. Can you overcome the Anglo-Allied Army under Wellington and Prussian Army under Blucher to renew French domination of Europe? Check this game now here

The game can be played with 1-2 players. Game time is 90-180 minutes long. It is compatible with the Solitaire game system. Vive L'Empereur uses a chit pull system to generate random force activations for both sides. The Anglo-Allied and Prussian forces move and conduct combat based on the instructions resulting from a dice roll on their respective Activation Tables. You must be prepared to expect the unexpected ... to seize the advantage when an opportunity presents itself to react swiftly if Wellington or Blucher order a sudden counterattack.