Thursday, June 15, 2023

Carthage Must Be Destroyed: Greek Hoplite Waterslide Decals for Wargaming Kickstarter

Hello everyone. Carthage Must Be Destroyed. In this project we are truly aiming to destroy the miniature version of Carthage with our Greek allies in Sicily, Greece, or wherever they were in the Mediterranean. We will assist our soldiers in this endeavor by equipping these brave warriors with hoplite shields that are decorated with waterslide decals. Check out all the details by following the link here

In this campaign the goal is to raise funds to create a series of hoplite shield decals inspired by the pottery, art, and coins left behind by the ancients. Each image seen on the decal sheets was originally an art or pottery piece, coin, or something from or influenced by the ancient world of the Greeks. The images that we have selected have been retraced from photos in png or jpeg form. Each image is edited through photoshop to bring clarity and completion to the images that were unclear or broken and then vector traced a second time to create a smooth transition from ancient art to decal image. This process also allowed us to redesign the original images to make them uniquely our own while keeping the art close to the original style these ancient Greeks employed. The final vector traced images gives a smooth, non pixilated design for the decal sheets.

A single decal sheet in this campaign contains 180 images. Each sheet is approximately 12 x 22 cm. The individual decals mostly measure about 1 cm in height and width but will vary with shape and image as seen below. The decals are small enough to be applied to most hoplite shields for 1/56 (28mm) scale miniature wargaming. Each image repeats 8 times and has two different colored versions per sheet, with the exception of the last grouping of pottery images, which we've split between both sheets. This should give collectors and gamers enough decals to create a lot of diversity with different painted shields in their phalanx. Once again you can follow the campaign and support it here

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