Sunday, July 3, 2022

Victrix: New Plastic Ancient Horse Archers Preview

Victrix: Here we have some renders of the 3rd and 4th horse archer figures. Both figures are performing the Parthian shot, shooting behind them at the pursuing enemy. The ability to be able to shoot all around was the great skill of the horse archer. They could turn retreat into attack in an instant and cause real headaches for any foe.

The first figure you see is performing a very dramatic and agile shooting style. This was heavily based on the rather splendid horse archer in the reference image and also on watching military historian Mike Loades (Bottom right reference image) perform the Parthian shot. The last two body poses are being worked on at present, 1 of them being a female warrior with some head variants. These should be ready in a couple of weeks and then off to the tooling department!

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