Thursday, February 4, 2021

Perry Miniatures: Plastic Napoleonic Austrian Hussars Pre-Order!

Perry Miniatures: Plastic AN 100 Napoleonic Austrian Hussars now are up for pre-order! These will be available in mid-February. We can also show the command frame which just needs a few tweaks and it'll be there. Renedra have, once again, done a great job tooling this set!

We also have a few hussars back, painted by John Morris and Stephan Huber, which are stunning as you can see! AN 100 Napoleonic Austrian Hussars 28mm plastic figures Designed by Alan Perry Hussars were universal troops, used for all duties; scouting, skirmishing as well as in the main line of battle. All the figures in this set can be assembled in full or campaign dress, and either at full charge, sword shouldered or attacking. Set contains 14 cavalrymen, painting guide and bases. If you order three or more of these sets you will receive a free metal Cavalry General! The command frame (B 77) is also up for pre-order and will be available mid-February.

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