Sunday, December 20, 2020

BigRedBat: New Activation and Stratagem Chits for To the Strongest!

BigRedBat: The new TtS! activation and stratagem chits are in the shop, in glorious technicolour. The 20mm diameter activation chits come in packs of 80 (8x1, 8x2 etc. through to 8x10). I chose "TtS! purple", green and burnt orange for the colours, because they contrast well with each other, so it is easy to distinguish between them if your opponent is also using chits (just so long as he's using a different colour!). The text is also really clear and can be made out at a good distance. The chits are also now two-sided, so play is quicker than with the previous single-sided MDF chits, since you don't need to flip them to see the number. 

The stratagem tokens are single sided (plain purple, green or orang eon the back). The advantage over the previous version is that they tell you what the stratagem is, rather than needing to look up a playing card symbol in the rule book. And they are much prettier! You can find them, here

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