Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Nordic Weasel Games: Five Klicks from the Zone - Skirmish Campaigns in a Fallen World Beta Rules!

Nordic Weasel Games: Five Klicks From the Zone aims at being the premier solo campaign game for post apocalyptic battles. Take command of a squad as you fight to reclaim the wasteland for civilization, delving into the forbidden zones, fighting off the horrors of the rubble. With each mission your squad members will gain experience and new equipment, provided they make it back alive! Grab these exciting beta rules now here!

Based on the popular engine used in Five Parsecs From Home and Five Leagues From the Borderlands, these rules put solo gaming front and center: The mechanics are designed specifically with a single player in mind, keeping things moving rather than requiring you to memorize lots of special exceptions. All solo information is built right into the game, instead of having to flip to the back of the book all the time. Finally we rely on a straight-forward set of AI guide lines, rather than requiring frequent dice rolling or flow charts to decide enemy actions.

What you are purchasing is the Beta version of the rules. This offers the core combat engine as well as an extremely simplified version of the full campaign tables and experience. Over the next several weeks, we will be fleshing out the game with countless updates all of which will be available to you at no charge.  Purchasing the game now grants you the following advantages: See all new content and mechanics as they are added, Contribute to the development of the game by providing feedback and your purchase entitles you to the full, final version (anticipated 15 dollars) without paying a dime extra. This way you get the game a bit cheaper by supporting it early and I get additional feedback and play testing so the game will be as good as possible. As an extra bonus, I am throwing in a copy of Five Parsecs: Salvage Crew.  It'll be available with your purchase.

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