Saturday, April 2, 2016

Spiral Arm Studio: Salute 2016 - Maelstrom's Edge and Free Epirian Handler

Spiral Arm Studios: We hope everyone has had a nice, relaxing Easter Weekend, and with all the chocolate eggs eaten, Superhero movies watched and games played it is time to turn our attention to the upcoming Salute 2016 event in April. Probably the biggest UK Wargaming show, Salute is packed with games companies showing off their latest releases: models, games, gaming accessories it is all there, and Spiral Arm Studios will be there too at stand TD01. 

The whole team will be there to talk to: 

- Tomas and Stephen who wrote the fantastic Maelstrom's Edge novels Faith and Sacrifice. 
- Jon Regul, the man behind the Maelstrom's Edge gamerules. 
- James, our head honcho and overall master of the ship. 
- JP - if you want to talk about stocking the game in your shop or featuring in your magazine/podcast/Youtube show. 

We'll also have plenty of models to look at: 

- The pro-painted studio models featured in the rulebook 
- Examples of terrain made using our fantastic terrain sprue 
- A small demo game with freshly painted gaming models 

And yes, you'll even be able to buy some Maelstrom's Edge products: 

- The boxed game 
- The new terrain sprue 
- Physical copies of the novels (these are limited numbers) 

It promises to be an exciting day, and everyone who attends will get a free Epirian Foundation bot handler in the goodie bag handed out to all attendees. We look forward to seeing you on the day and chatting all things Maelstrom's Edge. The Maelstrom's Edge free Epirian Handler models, to be given out to all Salute 2016 attendees in the goddie bag. This is a mock up of the actual packet, so forgive the slightly blurry image.

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