Saturday, April 2, 2016

Antediluvian Miniatures: Dungeon Explorers - 28mm Miniatures Kickstarter Launched

Antediluvian Miniatures: A new range of 28mm Wargames Miniatures designed for Gamer's, Collector's and RPG's

We want to expand our product range into the realms of fantasy. Having grown up playing all of the major fantasy wargames and role playing games we just couldn't stop ourselves from trying to bring our dream to reality and hopefully you will help us!

As this is our first Kickstarter campaign we have decided to be realistic with the rewards and what we want to achieve from this campaign. So we are raising the funds to allows us to go into production on the seven character miniatures that make up the initial funding objective. If we are lucky enough to exceed our funding target then we will add in Stretch Goals to commission more new miniatures from the same sculptors to compliment the Dungeon Explorers!

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