Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Elladan and Stronghold Terrain Becoming Two Separate Brands

Just received news that Elladan and Stronghold Terrain will be operating as two separate brands with Elladan selling most the existing miniatures and terrain but from a new website.

The products formerly sold by Stronghold-Terrain will be devided in two ranges. The part of the products with the focus on high quality terrain, especially the ranges Dark Age, modern ruins and suitable modern accessories and the newly started little own miniature line will be sold and developed further by Elmar Fischer under the new brand Elladan.

The models and kits can be ordered in the new online-shop on the homepage. If you are interested in nice terrain pieces and you want to stay informed about future releases and new hobby-tutorials please follow Elladan on Facebook. 

The part with the focus on german translations of tabletop game systems (like SAGA), suitable miniatures from the own miniature line and other companies, tabletop terrain and suitable tabletop accessories will stay with Mirco Wenning and will be sold and developed further under the well-known brand Stronghold-Terrain. 

The products can be ordered from Stronghold Terrain. All news will be posted there in his blog and on his Facebook Page Stronghold Terrain. Even after this division we will do our best to provide all our customers and interested followers with new models, products and interesting hobby hints and tutorials.

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