Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Heroic Maps: New Tagoskan Wasteland Gaming Map Released

Heroic Maps released these new Tagoskan Wasteland gaming map representing a barren desert. In fact most suited for the Maze Runner - The Scorch Trials!

The continent of Tagoska once flourished with civilisation and industry, until it was levelled in a planetary bombardment of unimaginable destruction. Now, the Tagoskan Wasteland is a bleak and barren place, punctuated in places by fragments of rusty panel and steel plate.

Need a skirmish map for a wargame? Large scale exploration in an RPG? A printable battlemap for RPG games or wargames such as Warhammer, W40K, Warmachine, Warpath etc. Add 3D terrain and use the map as a battle surface. Use as a standalone gameboard, or combine with any same-scale tileset. Contents: A 50 x 50 map depicting a barren and dry wasteland, cut with gullies. The remains of industrial facilities lie rusting beneath the sand.. Use the full map, or crop and print sections to use.

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