Friday, September 4, 2015

Black Scorpion Miniatures: New Fantasy and Historical Miniatures and Freebie Miniature Offer

Black Scorpion Miniatures: This month (well the 22nd to be precise) celebrates 10 years of Black Scorpion miniatures! So naturally we'll be celebrating throughout the whole month and being extra nice to customers! We have new releases and free stuff! Anyone placing an order this month of £5 or more before postage will receive the Birthday girl completely free! Also available to buy for £4.00 in the collecor's series. We have also ordered in extra sweets to add in ;)

Also we have a special little vignette set. It's nice to do something a little different now and again so 'Incident on Grand street' will be on sale at £8.00 for the next couple of months, then will be re-released one day with the new Tombstone game, so get one early! It makes an excellent scenario piece or objective marker. Other releases are the Ogre star player and Privateer Officer. As always order of £50 or more go post free worldwide. Birthday girl: Free with all orders over £5! (before postage) (Anyone with an order already pending in September before this post will still get the free miniature)

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