Friday, June 12, 2015

Victrix: Assembled Plastic Napoleonic Artillery Models Previewed

Victrix: Well we finally have some test frames of the French artillery 1804 to 1812 in our hands. Steve was busily sticking some together yesterday afternoon so we can show you some pre release images.

The detail on these little beauties is fantastic as we have come to expect from Emel who has done a great job on these (his first non Ancient set for us) As stated these are test frames. These are the first off the press and so have some flashing issues, a few sink holes and some parts not filling properly. This is always the case first off and the next few days will be spent by the toolmakers widening some gates and balancing the tool pressure and plastic flow. This is an important part of the process between us and the tool room as we stick figures together and go over them with a detailed eye and feed back to the tool room guys.

We are particularly pleased with the fit and detail of the coat tail/sword bayonet/cartridge box pieces. These are all one piece (Hurrah!) and plug into the backsides of the figures (Ouch!) and really easy to fit together. It makes a real difference when you can see a gap between the coat tail and the back of the leg giving the figures a more 3d appearance then before.

The cannons themselves are an absolute piece of cake to stick together 12 parts if you want to use the ammo box or 9 parts if not. The detail of the crests on the barrels is superb and really nice wood grain texture make these some wonderful bits of modelling. You have a choice of 8 or 12 pounder barrel. We have done the end of the barrel as a tube cap so it gives you a hole in the end of the gun which looks great.

We hope to have them on pre order by the end of the week and will show you some proper sprue shots and more detailed close ups once the tool room guys have worked their magic.


Baconfat said...

Very cool thanks for posting. My French are going to have too many guns.

Wargame News and Terrain Blog said...

Thanks but can you ever have enough artillery? Nothing beats large artillery batteries firing into densely packed british infantry if you control the French that is! Cheers