Sunday, October 6, 2024

Badger Games: New Have A Nice Day Miniatures Gnomes

Badger Games: Have A Nice Day Miniatures continues to expand it range of classic roleplay miniatures with its latest release…Gnomes! These figures were expertly sculpted by David Soderquist of Bronze Age Miniatures. These miniatures are everything you have come to expect from the HND line.

Every roleplay class is available with both male and female versions. Fighters, Rangers, Illusionists and other magic users, thieves, clerics and artificers are all represented. Watch for a few more Gnomes in the coming weeks. These miniatures were designed to be specific Gnomes with Gnomish dress and features and represent the whimsey and sly nature of Gnomes as opposed to their dour Dwarven cousins.

Additionally, as with al Have A Nice Day humans, demi-humans, humanoids and monsters, they all scale perfectly together in height and heft as per the classic D&D lore. A party composed of Have A Nice Day character miniatures will look perfect together! With this release, Have A Nice Day continues to show its determination to build the most complete range of roleplay miniatures on the market. Many more character models and classic dungeon and wilderness denizens are on the horizon so watch this space. Have A Nice Day Miniatures are available exclusively from Badger Games.

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