Monday, June 3, 2024

Perry Miniatures: New Napoleonic Ottoman Artillery and French Savants

Perry Miniatures: New Napoleonic Ottoman Artillery and French Savants. We eventually have the first of the Ottoman artillery and a few savants for the French in Egypt. The Ottoman heavy guns were normally entrenched in the field with only the lighter ‘mobile’ guns to move around the battlefield. The savants were experts, in their fields, 151 of which were brought over by Napoleon to survey the land, find water and investigate every aspect of culture and history of Egypt.

Napoleonic Ottoman Army 1790-1815 - 28mm metal figures designed by Alan Perry

OT 33 Heavy artillery crew firing piece (no gun included)
OT 34 Heavy artillery crew loading/aiming piece (no gun included)
OT 35 Mobile (Horse) artillery crew firing piece.
OT 36 Heavy (Kolunburna) field piece.
OT 37 Medium (8.5 pounder) field piece.
OT 38 Light (4.5 pounder) field piece.

French in Egypt

FE 45 Savants

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