Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Hobday & Hicks: New Paul Hicks Fantasy Dwarves Preview

Hobday & Hicks: The dwarves, a surly lot, carve their lives in the heart of the mountains. For generations, their hammers have rung against the rock, extracting precious metals and crafting wonders in the flickering light of their forges. Isolated and fiercely independent, they view outsiders with suspicion, distrusting all who approach their mountain strongholds. While they engage in trade, their dealings are conducted with a wary eye. Cross them and face their wrath, for dwarves' vengeance is swift and brutal, a storm unleashed from the mountains themselves. ~Observations from Athicus the Chronicler Here is the first appearance of one of our dwarves. - H&H sculpts: @paul.hicks.393

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