Thursday, February 15, 2024

Wayland Games: The Flesh-eater Courts Make Their Move in the Mortal Realms!

Wayland Games: The Lord of Masques and his courtiers enact their delusional deeds of chivalry in the latest Age of Sigmar Dawnbringers book, The Mad King Rises. As well as pre-ordering this new entry into the Dawnbringers story, you can secure the Flesh-eater Courts Battletome and The Mad King himself, Ushoran! Also available to pre-order are even more distinguished nobles to add to your Flesh-eater Courts armies, including the Grand Justice Gormayne, Abhorrant Cardinal, Royal Decapitator, and more. Assemble your entourage and let the bloodshe- we mean festivities, commence! Check them here

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