Wednesday, January 31, 2024

WiP Games and Miniatures: New 28mm Greek Hoplites, Skirmishers and More!

WiP Games and Miniatures: As promised, the first of our 28mm white metal miniatures have now been added to our website and are ready to order! So far, we have 25 Greek Hoplites (including a command figure), 5 Skirmishers with Javelins and 5 Skirmishers with bows. Check them all here

There are loads more additions to come over the coming weeks and months for this range, so keep your eyes peeled. We hope you like what you see so far, and don't forget, if you're building units or armies, you can get 10 duplicate miniatures for £10.00! You can also buy 5 duplicate miniatures for £6.25, or to add in extra variety here and there, or when buying command miniatures, there's always the option to buy any of our 28mm figures as a single miniature for just £1.50. Expect lots more from us, very soon! Dave and Dan.

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