Monday, December 25, 2023

Victrix: Plastic Rus Warriors, Arab Infantry & Cavalry, Medieval Knights, Greek Hoplites and More Preview!

Victrix: Victrix 2024 – Whats coming next! As the year draws to a close, what better time to look to the future and give you all a flavour of what to expect in 2024…. it’s going to be a big one! We’ve been keeping something underwraps…

Greek Hoplites: Surprise! The new Greek heads went down so well we thought what the hell! Let’s make a new set of Greek Hoplites to compliment our existing Greek range. These are in more dynamic poses and have some more varied styles of armour with muscled cuirass and scale variants, plus a huge amount of head variants. We think you will be blown away when we release these near the end of January/Early February.

Medieval knights: The Medieval Knights have just finished sculpting and are now off to be laid up for tooling in the New Year. We will show you more renders of these fantastic figures in January and keep you up to date on expected release dates of this highly anticipated set.

We have made a couple of minor adjustments from the first renders as we had some helpful expert advice from some of our very knowledgeable customer base. The gauntlets have gone and replaced by mittens held on by a draw string or strap. The sword length has been lengthened and blade altered and the leather trim to the mail Hauberk has gone. There are 6 horse and six riders with a huge array of helmet types and shield shapes. All will be revealed in the New Year!

Rus: A lot of you guessed it! Here are some more examples of the Rus set we have been working on which is due for the sculpting to be completed in the next two weeks. We will show you all the figure options in January which includes all the unarmoured warrior options as well as more of the armoured warrior poses. We have a huge amount of heads wearing Rus and Slavic style helmets and hats and some characterful faces and beards to show you. The evocative Rus rectangular shield has been done and you will get a good mix of weapons. This set is for the Rus but can be used as Slavs and Varangians in Byzantine employ and easily mixed in with our Previous Vikings set. All heads, arms and weapons will be interchangeable for a truly enormous amount of variety.

12mm US Airborne: We have quietly been beavering away on the 12mm US Airborne to round out our Late war infantry sets. We have some fantastic poses and detail in this new set and hope to see it in plastic as soon as possible in 2024.

28mm? Watch this space. Early Saxons: The Early Saxons are being tooled at present and will be with us the first quarter of 2024. Arab Infantry: We have now resumed sculpting the Arab infantry and will keep you up to date on their progress through early New Year. Islamic Heavy cavalry has also started sculpting and hope to have some images to show you end of January.

12mm Universal carrier and crew: We are so pleased to reveal we have been working on a 12mm WW2 Universal carrier with European and desert crew. It has options for a standard carrier plus 50cal, Antitank rifle, Piat, Vickers, mortar and flame thrower options (both British and Canadian versions) This is in tooling so should be with us by Easter.

Early Imperial Roman Bolt Shooter: This will be the next release in early January 2024. Would have had it out earlier but have been waiting on painted models. This great kit comes with a whole host of crew and arm option with lots of accessories such as spare bolts, defensive stakes and work party tools as well as the super detailed bolt shooters. No Roman army is complete without these.

And many many more… Painting competition – Still time to enter, head over to the gallery on our website and upload your photos. Winners will be chosen when we all get back in the New Year. From the whole team at Victrix, we would like to take this opportunity to say Merry Christmas to you all, and a Happy New Year! Take care folks.

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