Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Perry Miniatures: New Plastic Napoleonic Duchy of Warsaw Preview!

Perry Miniatures: Renedra are steadily working on the three frames for the Duchy of Warsaw sets. They’ll be two boxes, much like the more recent releases by us; one battalion box and one skirmishing elite mix in a box. The first frame, the main infantry frame, just came in so we thought we’d show you.

As you can see it’s slightly larger than the normal ‘half’ frame as Alan needed to get extra arms and headdresses on to cover as much variation in the Poles as he could. There is a fair amount of variety in the Polish uniforms so three different types of fur caps had to be included and extra arms with epaulettes to cover the regiments where Fusiliers had fringed epaulettes. The shakos had to be depicted in covers as both French and Polish plates were used by a few DoW regiments and there wasn’t enough room for all on the frame. The French 1807-14 set could be used for full dress ‘French’ shakos.

Dave Gallagher, an old friend from many years ago and ex Game Workshop, now officially retired, was more than keen to paint the front covers for the boxes. The first one, shown here, was inspired by the painting Alan saw in Poland of the Battle of Raszyn by Wojciech Kossak. Dave has done a fantastic job, really capturing the atmosphere and the uniforms. This actually is the first Napoleonic subject he’s painted! Stephan Huber very kindly offered to produce the schematic uniform plates for the sets which Alan was only to pleased to do as he knew his draftsmanship as well as his excellent knowledge on Napoleonic uniforms. This also had an extra and very exciting bonus in that a friend of his has unpublished notes and sketches from Knötel showing rarely seen Duchy of Warsaw uniforms….but more on that later. There’s no release date on the two sets.

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