Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Carthage Must Be Destroyed: New Evil Undead Skeleton Waterslide Decal Kickstarter

Carthage Must Be Destroyed: It is time to go to the cemetery and dig up some new friends. They've got a number of new and amazing waterslide decals they'd like to share with you... but do not be afraid! These images they are offering you are meant to intimidate and dazzle your opponents on the tabletop battlefield and add some extra character to your miniatures. Check the Kickstarter here

In this campaign we are running with artwork and images inspired by skeletons and the undead! Each image has been carefully selected and designed in a way that we feel represents a mixture of classical and modern wargaming. Most of our images focus on skulls and bones though we have also included a few other influences from knights, heraldry, necromancy, blood dragons and vampires. These decals are suitable for 28mm wargaming. We hope you check them out and would love to have you join us! Here are some further examples of the decals on some undead soldiers.

Each decal sheet is approx. 11.5 x 20.5 cm in size. The individual decals mostly measure under or near 1 cm in height and width but will vary with shape and image as seen below. I tried to contain enough detail to be applied to most fantasy or medieval shields for 1/56 (28mm) scale miniature wargaming. Each image has 5 left facing images and 5 right facing images. Each sheet has 180 images in total. Each decal sheet reward has been unlocked so all reward options are available to choose as your pledge reward. Thank you everyone for taking the time to check out our latest Kickstarer campaign - we hope to see you there! 

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