Sunday, August 27, 2023

Perry Miniatures: New Napoleonic Mameluke and Deli Cavalry!

Perry Miniatures: New Napoleonic Mameluke and Deli cavalry! They are finally here! The first batch of cavalry for the Ottoman forces. Alan has started with Mamelukes and a few Deli packs. Many thanks to Paul Armer for a lovely job painting three of the packs.

Ottoman Army 1790-1815 - 28mm metal figures designed by Alan Perry

OT 16 Mamelukes attacking with swords (1)
OT 17 Mamelukes attacking with lances/javelins (1)
OT 18 Mamelukes attacking with firearms.
OT 19 Deli cavalrymen attacking with lances.
OT 20 Deli cavalrymen attacking with swords.
OT 21 Mamelukes with various weapons
OT 22 Mameluke command galloping

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