Friday, June 24, 2022

Breaking! Perry Miniatures: Plastic Franco-Prussian War French Infantry Preview

Perry Miniatures: The first frame of 3 up parts has been sent for tooling at Renedra, these are the marching and advancing bodies and arms. The second frames worth of bodies and arms to form a ragged firing line/skirmishers are nearly complete and should be forwarded to Terry at Renedra next week. The command frame is at a similar stage but I'll show those later. 

There will be two boxes as we did for the Prussians with different mixes of the same frames one for a firing line and the other advancing/marching. We don't have a release date yet, but we'll let you know when we do. I've also included a photo of the Chasseurs d' Afrique beautifully painted by Chris Adcock. The other photo is an attempt to recreate the iconic Alfonse de Neuville painting of the attack on the St Privat church. The buildings made by the talented David Marshal called out to have this photo taken (I'll do a better job of the shot when a make some more appropriate figures!).

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