Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Breaking! Perry Miniatures: New Plastic Napoleonic Allied Cavalry Sprues Preview!

Perry Miniatures: Allied Cavalry; Napoleonic Plastic Prussian and Russian cavalry update! We now have the first two frames for the Allied Cavalry boxed set. These are just the first shots so there is a little bit of tweaking to do, but these are 99% there. The command frame is being worked at this moment in time. Renedra have done a fantastic job yet again in the face of all the problems the pandemic bought.

As soon as Alan got these (yesterday) he started putting examples together so here are a few he’s done. The box’s main title will be ‘Allied Cavalry’, subtitled Napoleonic Prussian and Russian cavalry 1812-14. The set will allow you to build not only Russian and Prussian Dragoons but also Russian Mounted Jager regiments and detachments of Prussian Mounted Volunteer Jager. The Prussian regiments will be able to be represented in Kollett or Litewka (normally worn on campaign). As you can see there are a large variety of options for poses, more than any other Napoleonic cavalry set we’ve done so far. There will be 14 mounted figures in the set. Also there are enough parts on the main frame that if you buy seperate horse frames and a command frame (which will be available when these come out), you can assemble another complete unit. We’re looking at a May release.

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