Sunday, December 12, 2021

Victrix: Plastic Roman Staff Slingers & Archers Preview!

Victrix: Staff Slinger Renders (Late Roman Archers) Here are the final 3 figures for the Late Roman missile troops. We have 2 staff slingers with various arm options including one you can turn into a standing archer (you should also be able to use other bow arms on these figures to make more archers).

There is also another archer figure with multiple bow arm options. We have designed arms for specific figures but the arm join sizes have been standardised so you will be able to use all arms on all bodies. You can use these as Late Romans, Romano British, Early Byzantines as well as other nationalities with a few head swaps. These would not look out of place as Slavic archers with the appropriate heads. Staff slingers can be used up to the Crusades and Feudal Europe. We will start on the Late Roman armoured infantry next.

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