Friday, December 10, 2021

Victrix: New Plastic 12mm World War Two Miniatures Preview

Victrix: Here are some more renders of the latest German Fallschirmjäger sculpts. We are moving on to the Command and heavy weapons shortly. But first we adding a few more sculpts to the Russian infantry frame as we have some extra space to play with and so will be adding a guy with anti-Tank mines and some tank riders.

Also we have a bit of extra space on the 6prd frame and so will be adding some British Para gun crew. We will then start the Fallschirmjäger heavy weapons and command figures in about a week. The German Fallschirmjäger used an array of anti-tank weapons which we can’t fit on the frame with everything else. And so we have decided to do an extra set of Fallschirmjäger Anti-tank weapons including a Pak 40 with crew plus the LG40 75mm Recoilless gun and the sPzB anti-tank gun. We will also try and fit on a cart loaded with Panzerfausts.

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