Saturday, August 28, 2021

Spellcrow: New 10mm Argatoria Rules & Miniatures Preview

Spellcrow: In recent times, our wargame in a 10 mm scale - Argatoria - didn't have much luck. Unfortunately, we couldn't release it as planned. Marek Rurarz, the main designer and sculptor of miniatures for Argatoria, was unable to sculpt for some time. We also had some issues with completing the illustrations for the rulebook and there were delays in painting the units. Coronavirus didn't make it easier - that's for sure.

But we have good news for you. Most importantly, we came back to work on the new miniatures. Marek is already working on the new Reptilians. We have prepared four army starters, which we will hand down to the printing house next week. Later this week or early next, the rulebook will come to us from the printing house. It will be a trial preprint, after which we are going to make minor corrections and print the planned edition. Initially, Argatoria will be available in English, Polish, and by the end of the year also in Spanish.

So if you bought miniatures for Argatoria and wondered what to do with them, you will soon be able to fight great battles. The premiere date of the rulebook and game starters will be announced as soon as we know more details from the printing house. Thank you for your patience and best regards!

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