Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Crooked Dice: 7TV - Fantasy Orsa the Fearless Preview

Crooked Dice: Apologies for the radio silence this week. Had my head down powering through lots of new game content as it’s been a while since I have been able to get some proper head space. Having a blast! Currently annoying the bejesus out of the 7TV: The 80s development team – reviewing and editing profiles, prop cards, maguffins and script decks – whilst we drool over Ste Brotherstone’s amazing profile illustrations!

The layouts of Vlad’s Army Feature Pack have been proofread, so just getting print quotes for that – and writing specs for some more supporting minis. Meanwhile the first draft of Orsa the Fearless – our first Feature Pack for 7TV: FANTASY is back from the proofreader. Hope to be laying that out soon and including new maps and art from Dave Needham.

Work is also nearly finished on a fun wee folktale scenario to coincide with a new fantasy miniature release from Isabel Lovell. Also arriving in my in-box in the next few days is another Feature Pack. This is a planetary romance by 7TV alumni Glenn Allan for ‚Rick Rhodes and the Pirates of Luna City‚ – a celebration of your favourite pulp rocketship adventures.

Plus there is the ‚Secrets of the Golden City‚ pulp feature pack that we will be drafting later this month – bringing you pulse pounding thrills from the roof of the world! There’s also free scenario coming up in Wargames Illustrated, plus all the prep for the third EHU project kicking off in October! So lots to look forward to for the many worlds of 7TV!

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