Saturday, April 24, 2021

Victrix: New Plastic Late Roman/ Romano British Concept Art

Victrix: Late Roman / Romano British - Here are the first 4 sketches for the new Late Roman / Romano British infantry set. These first four are unarmoured infantry with an assortment of weapon arms that include, spear, Spatha, hand axe (Romano British could use axes and clubs as sidearms) and also throwing darts (Plumbata). There will be a few of these in various styles of being thrown. Some very interesting experiments on You Tube of how these were thrown, underhand, overhand and like a javelin.

There will be numerous heads in this set with some different styles of helmet and some bare heads and suitably Romano British heads. We will add some Spangenhelms which will give this set more versatility again as Goths and Early Byzantines. There will be cloak options and some cloaks rolled up across the chest which will help give some of these figures a distinctly British flavour. Four more armoured figures and more heads, arms and equipment will also be on the main frame and there will be a 6 figure command frame so we should have a 60 figure set like the Vikings and Saxons.

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