Thursday, March 18, 2021

Wayland Games: Games Workshop: 20% off Slaves to Darkness & More

Wayland Games: Today we're delving into Age of Sigmar, honouring those returning to the spotlight. From Slaves to Darkness, Beasts of Chaos to Hedonites of Slaanesh and more, in all their malevolent glory. Check these new discounted miniatures now here

Even though your new miniatures supply may be running dry, we've plenty to catch your eye. Shop now. Don't forget to bolster your armies before the tabletop battles begin. Whether you play 40k, Age of Sigmar, Blood Bowl, Necromunda, Warhammer Quest, or you're looking to upgrade your Citadel supplies. You'll save up to 20% off and earn valuable loyalty points every time you shop. With amazing previews of things to come, shared by Games Workshop weekly, every loyalty point counts. Save up and you can put them towards your next purchase.

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