Friday, March 12, 2021

Rooksdown Games: COLD WAR3! Rules for Modern Warfare 1960-1990

Rooksdown Games: COLD WAR3! Rules for Modern Warfare 1960-1990 - Fully revised 4th Edition of COLD WAR3! infact, so revised and shiny and new it's a completley new  book! Grab these new rules now here

Includes rules for combined arms using artillery, armour, mechanised, aircraft and support troops (such as engineers and medical personnel). Rules for the electronic battlefield, nuclear, biological & chemical battlefield. Recovering and repairing 'knockled out' vehicles; building bridges, defences, trenches and repairing defences. Fighting in buildings, built up areas and in a contaminated environment. Rules are included for paratroopers, recconnaissance elements, assaults and close-combat (even assaulting tanks if you are so inclined). A flexible figure scale of anything from 6mm right through to 54mm (with it optimised for 15mm) can be used with a flexible ground scale that can take in the vast ranges of modern artillery. Included are rules for conducting air support missions, air-to-air combat, air-to-ground attacks, helicopter operations, anti-aircraft artillery and missiles. Rules are also included for morale and their effect on our little model soldiers. Wounds and recovery of those (using medics if you've paid for them!)

Rules for various armours such as Chobham, Dorchester, ERA bricks, BAR armour and all manner of nasties thsat can defeat those armours including 2nd generation (Top-Attack.Tandem Warhead) ATGM's such as Improved TOW II and the Russian Svir missiles. This new version includes the following NEW TO&E's:

A complete BAOR (British Army of the Rhine)/NORTHTAG battlegroup for the 14th/20th Royal Hussars and Royal Green Jackets; including Chieftain Mk.V Tanks, Fv432 APC, Abbot and M-109 Self-Propelled Guns, RAMC Medical Teams, 9th/12th Lancers Reccee Teams (in Scorpion AFV), Swingfire ATGM, Blowpipe and Rapier SAM and 661st Squadron Army Air Corps in Lynx HELARM and the Royal Air Force with shiny Harrier GR.III and Lightning Ground Attack Aircraft.

For the Soviet Forces we have the 3rd Shock Armies 10th Guards Armoured Divisions: with T80u and T-64bv tanks, BMP-1 and BMP-2 APC's, BTR-70's and of course a whole plethora of artillery such as the BM-21, BM-27, 2s1 and 2s3 artillery, anti-aircraft artillery such as the Tunguska, ZSU-23-4 and the ZSU-23-2 AA guns, the Soviet Air Force flying Su-25 Frogfoots and even Mil-Mi-8 Hip attack helicopters! All in all this is a slightly slimmer tome, but packed with awesome goodies and all new colour photographs and illustrations.

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