Friday, March 19, 2021

Perry Miniatures: New Prussian Grenadiers 1806 Miniatures

Perry Miniatures: Prussian Grenadiers 1806 - We now have available 8 codes of Prussian Grenadiers for 1806 including grenadier schützen which were 10 per company. We also have two new books from Helion & Company; Vol 2 of The Danish Army of the Napoleonic Wars by David Wilson, packed full of hard to get information and illustrations. Also we have Austrian Cavalry of the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Army 1792-1815 by Enrico Acerbi and Andras K. Molnar which is also packed with information and illustrations.

1806 Prussian Army - 28mm metal figures designed by Alan Perry

EP 10 Grenadier Schützen skirmishing (Brandenburg cuffs)
EP 11 Grenadier command standing (Brandenburg and Swedish cuffs)
EP 12 Grenadier firing line (Brandenburg cuffs)
EP 13 Grenadiers standing to attention (Brandenburg cuffs)
EP 14 Grenadier firing line (Swedish cuffs)
EP 15 Grenadiers standing to attention (Swedish cuffs)
EP 16 Grenadier command marching (round cuffs, can be painted as Brandenburg cuffs)
EP 17 Grenadiers marching (round cuffs, can be painted as Brandenburg cuffs)

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