Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Corvus Games Terrain: Isolation Protocol: Modular 3D Printable Sci-fi Terrain STL Kickstarter Ending Very Soon!

Corvus Games Terrain: Isolation Protocol is a set of completely modular 3D printable 28mm - 32mm wargaming terrain based on the hugely popular WarLayer 4.0 system. This is the second Kickstarter campaign from Corvus Games Terrain dedicated to modular 3D printable terrain.
There are already 5 stretch goals unlocked, along with a social media based stretch goal so there'll be plenty of extra STL files for all main backers including pipelines, scatter terrain, extra walls, bridge/arch pieces. They have also partnered with miniature sculptors 'Crucible of Games' to offer some pre-supported 3D printable miniatures as optional add-ons to the main campaign. Check the Kickstarter here

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