Monday, May 11, 2020

Kieran Billings: New The Witch's Hovel 3D Files Kickstarter

Kieran Billings: The Witch's Hovel campaign will provide you with 4 different buildings to fill out your tabletop. 1 is a large two storied building and the other 3 are smaller buildings. These buildings are great to fill out a deep dark wood, barren landscape or even an underground world. More and more stretch goals are being unlocked with alternate roofs and different furniture and scenery pieces to fill out your tabletop. Each building has an irregular shape to them creating an ominous impression that all witch homes should have. These huts do not only need to be used as the home for witches but could be used for many, many different reasons; woodcutters home, goblin houses and more. Check the Kickstarter here

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