Sunday, May 8, 2016

Vesper-On Games: Carnivale and Home Raiders Games Bought By Troll Trader

Vesper-On Games: Vesper-on Games and TrollTrader have recently reached and agreement in order to continue the publication of the Carnevale: the miniatures game and Home Raiders game ranges. From now on, TrollTrader will hold the rights of both IPs and will work to develop both properties. This will ensure that there is a future for the games originally launched and published by Vesper-on Games.

Carnevale is a skirmish miniatures game set in a fantasy version of XVIII century Venice. Its original game engine allows for a very narrative experience, which helped this game to be nominated to the Origins Awards as best miniatures rules of 2012.

Home Raiders is a game designed to make wargaming available to all publics, and its easy to learn and dynamic system is the best entryway for any new players and a fun environment for veterans as well. Set in the real world, hordes of tiny warriors break into our homes in order to control our spaces.

Vesper-on Games

We are happy to see our home brands being taken into the arms of the TrollTrader team. We are sure that they will be able to develop these universes and their range of miniatures brilliantly, and we are convinced that being based in the UK will only help our creations flourish like never before. We will remain available for TrollTrader in order to counsel them in developing the games, but of course all the future decisions and the path of these properties will belong only to TrollTrader.


We are delighted to be bringing Carnevale and Home Raiders into our business and cannot wait to push forward with what we believe are very strong and characterful ranges with huge future potential.

For Carnevale we are going to set about commissioning some new art, sculpting of new characters and resculpting of some old favourites. Our laser team at TTCombat are already working on new scenery including a complete Venetian board with canals etc. We want to see this in as many stores as possible by offering a great gaming experience for their players with an organised play programme and player rewards.

Home Raiders has to be one of the best ideas I have ever seen in this industry! We all want an easy way to bring more people into our gaming lives, our friends, partners but most of all our kids! A child’s untidy bedroom suddenly becomes a battlefield as the scenery is made up of your belongings! Moving forward we want to release a plastic starter box and bolster the existing range of figures. The complexity of the models will remain simple in order be easy to paint so kids can enjoy that aspect of the hobby too!

Having skyped with David Esbrí last night you can see that these games and their worlds have been created with so much passion and thought by someone with a huge amount of love for the hobby. I want to say the future is bright but in the twisted world of Carnevale that doesn’t sound quite right so lets instead say the future is exciting!

From now on Vesper-on Games ceases its activity and we will no longer answer any emails or messages. Any future communications will have to be held with Troll Trader and TTCombat. Here you have their Facebook pages and web site in this post. It’s been a great adventure. Thank you all for being there.

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