Monday, January 11, 2016

Orcs in the Webbe: The Orcs in the Webbe 2016 Funding Drive

Orcs in the Webbe: I hope you all had a great Christmas and New Year! I has a blast organizing, editing and uploading the 2015 Advent Calendar and I agree with many of you that it was indeed one of the last eight years!

I've been running Orcs in the Webbe now for just over eleven years and since it's inception back in 2004 it has been maintained and updated by me. Since I upgraded the site to Version 7 back in 2013 the site costs me a little under £100 a year to run (you can see a history of Orcs in the Webbe's development at the end of this message). 

So the time has come to do my first funding drive. Just like BoardGameGeek, Wikipedia and many other sites, I ask if you get enjoyment out of the site during the year, even if it's just the twenty-four new pieces of content in the calendar just click on one of the links below and donate. You could even set up a recurring subscription to continue supporting OITW throughout the year. More details here.

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