Monday, November 16, 2015

Fantasy Flight Games: Star Wars: Rebellion Miniature Boardgame Discounted

Fantasy Flight Games: In a galaxy, Far, Far away! Choose your side in a Period of Civil War. The Emperor rules the Galactic Empire with an iron fist, controlling legions of Stormtroopers, swarms of TIE fighters, Star Destroyers, the Sith Lords and even the Death Star to snuff out this budding Rebel Alliance. The rebels though out gunned stand tall against the Imperial might, executing targeted military strikes to sabotage Imperial build yards, stealing valuable intelligence and inspiring the galaxy to a full-scale revolt. 

Now re-enact some of the greatest moments from the Star Wars saga as Fantasy Flight Games is proud to announce the release of Star Wars™: Rebellion. A board game of epic conflict between the Galactic Empire and Rebel Alliance for two to four players.

Experience the Galactic Civil War like never before. In Star Wars™: Rebellion you control either the entire Galactic Empire or the fledgling Rebel Alliance. Commanding starships, accounting for troop movements, and rallying systems to your cause. Featuring more than 150 plastic miniatures and two game boards that account for thirty-two of the Star Wars galaxy's most notable systems, Rebellion features a scope that is as large and sweeping as the Star Wars universe deserves.

As well as a fun tactical game, it re-creates the intensely cinematic moments and feelings from the movies. As you play you will control forces led by iconic heroes or villains such as Leia Organ, Mon Mothma, Grand Moff Tarkin, and Emperor Palpatine and these leaders and their individual talents drive everything you do and they are invaluable to your efforts. You will attempt many secret missions evoking some of the most inspiring moments from the classic trilogy, sending Luke Skywalker to receive Jedi training on Dagobah or have Darth Vader spring a trap that freezes Han Solo in carbonite.

Ultimately your games will span multiple star systems. Through the battles many fighters will be lost and troopers will fall. Planets will join the Rebellion before they are overrun by the Empire and subjugated or destroyed. Imperial officers may capture Rebel spies and interrogate them for valuable information and a hotshot Rebel pilot may land a one-in-a-million shot against the Death Star. In this game, you and your friends decide the final fate of the galaxy. Will the galaxy remain under tyrannical rule of the Galactic Empire, or will a select few manage to liberate it and set everyone free?

Game contents includes:

  • 1 game board (split in 2 halves)
  • 170 plastic miniatures
  • 25 leaders (with stands)
  • 10 custom dice
  • Over 170 cards
  • 1 Learn to Play Booklet
  • 1 Rules Reference

Star Wars™: Rebellion presents you a chance to experience the conflicts of the Galactic Civil War that is unmatched in its scope and cinematic grandeur. Rich with personality, replete with strategy, Rebellion is a massive epic game and one that fully captures the spirit of the classic Star Wars Saga.

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