Saturday, November 28, 2015

Brigade Models: Brigade Christmas Sale Launched - 15% Discounts

Brigade Models: It’s Black Friday today – welcome to scuffles in the aisles over cheap TVs and grannies bashing each other over the head with handbags to get at the bargains in M&S !

We don’t do Black Friday sales, we never have. But what we do have is the Brigade Christmas Sale ! This year we’ve changed the timing a bit, so that the sale starts today (so it sort of is a Black Friday sale, it just goes on a bit longer …) and will run until the end of Wednesday 23rd December. It will not run over the Xmas-New Year week this year, so that we can hopefully clear all of the orders by the time the holiday period starts. It also means that you have more chance to get the orders delivered in time for presents.

It’s the usual format – a blanket 15% off everything that we make (tanks, spaceships, figures, buildings etc). It doesn’t cover anything that we don’t make ourselves (dice, bases, rulebooks, Shapeways 3D printed items). We’ll post plenty of reminders as the end of the sale approaches so that you don’t forget and miss out. We won’t be releasing anything new during the sale, but we will be posting previews of some new releases for the start of next year on the blog.

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