Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Alternative Armies: Orc Pony Riders and Herd Guard Released and Free Liche Lord!

Alternative Armies: Alternative Armies classic 28mm white metal fantasy range. Now re-released two more OH Orc packs. The unusual Orc Pony Riders and Orc Herd Guard. Great for any system or setting. Choose from a pack, three packs with a saving or single miniatures within the packs. Plus a free Liche Lord in every order this month. Click through to learn more and to see large images of everything. Thanks for Reading. GBS 

Lastly this message will be across all news and releases this month. November is a big month and will be filled with many Fantasy and Flintloque releases and offers. All orders this month will get a free VNT31-05 Liche Lord miniature automatically.

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