Sunday, October 18, 2015

Perry Miniatures: New Plastic French Infantry and Foot Knights Boxed Set Preview

Perry Miniatures: There will be two boxes of 'Agincourt to Orleans' plastics coming out in the New Year. One will be the French Infantry, samples of which were shown earlier, which will also contain one Knight frame shown here.There will also be a second box of foot knights 1415-29 out at about the same time, this will contain 3 French Knight frames and 3 English men at arms frames, 36 figures in all.

Although described as French, these Knights, as well as the English, could be used for most European nations around this period. Going by effigies of the period, the French are often shown in covered armour ( as opposed to the English in their 'White' uncovered armour). However, this isn't a hard and fast rule, both English and French frames can me mixed up.

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