Friday, July 10, 2015

Rainn Studios: TerraTiles: Coasts & Rivers Tabletop Terrain System Kickstarter Fully Funded!

Rainn Studios: A Tabletop Terrain System for Miniature Games, Wargames, and RPGs. Affordable, Portable, and Easy to Store - Covers 24 Square Feet! 

Big News Today - We are funded! It was fantastic to wake up this morning and see that we had achieved our goal. That means that in less than 24 hours, TerraTiles: Coasts and Rivers raised the necessary $20,000 to make it into production. That is the fastest one of our projects has ever been funded. Thank you to everyone who has pledged their support, and special thanks to everyone who has weighed in with ideas and suggestions. Your thoughts are always welcome and appreciated. = )

Stretch Goal Reached: Double-sided Tiles – Around noon today we reached our first stretch goal. All of the tiles in the Coasts and Rivers set will now be double-sided! This is huge because it really opens up the door for lots of possibilities in the set. The Kickstarter Exclusive graveyard tile will also be double-sided. The other side will feature a blighted version of the graveyard in which a chasm has opened. A chasm tile was one that was specifically requested by backers during the Misty Moorland campaign, so we are very happy to be able to include it in this set. We hope you enjoy! We did have a few questions about the stretch goals, so we wanted to explain that because of manufacturing and fulfillment logistics, there is only room in the box for 60 tiles (plus the half hexagon tiles and the punchboards if we reach those goals). Therefore, stretch goals won’t add any more tiles to set. Instead, the distribution of the tiles in the set will change as new art and variety is added.

And also: Half-Hexagons - We also reached the half hexagons just moments ago! These actually came about as a suggestion from our backers during the Misty Moorlands campaign so two sides of the layout can be “straightened out”. Now that we have reached this goal, each Coasts and Rivers box will now include 6 extra "half tiles" that will also be doublesided. They will feature both open sea tiles and coastal tiles so you can run the water features to the edge of the board. Thank you all again, and if you need anything at all, just let us know! Cheers,Heath & Seth

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