Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Karwansaray Publishing: Great Wargaming Survey 2015 - Win Some Great Prizes

Karwansaray Publishing: After last year'’s resounding success with the Great Wargaming Survey 2014, we decided to provide a follow-up. After all, some questions can only be answered by running a survey over and over (such as '“Is the hobby greying'” - a snapshot can answer if it'’s grey, but it'’ll require several to determine whether there'’s a trend). 

So we'’ve tightened up some questions, added a few new ones in, removed a few (that might return in a year or two) and we proudly present the Great Wargaming Survey 2015. Like last year, it should be doable in 5-10 minutes and, as before, if you leave your email address you'’ll have a chance to win some very nice prizes. And again, there'’s a 10% discount coupon for everyone who completes the survey. We fervently hope it'’ll be at least as great a success as in 2014! You can find the link here.

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