Saturday, May 16, 2015

Wyrd Miniatures: New Webstore Launched and Promotion Sale

Wyrd Miniatures: We are launching the new (and hopefully improved) Wyrd webstore today. This time, with 100% fewer Gremlins in the works!

We're going to be straight with you. X-Cart was messed up. Seriously messed up. Orders disappeared into the aether, shipping was all messed up, and it was all around rife with headaches. You hated it, and so did we. So we've spent the time to look at another option, and today we're presenting you with that option. But we need your help (and we want your money, if the url didn't give it away).

  • First, we are putting many of our Special Edition models back on sale.
  • Second, we are offering (for the first time ever, and likely last) a 15% discount on products purchased. This will be redeemable through a coupon code (we also want to test that feature).
  • Coupon Code: Give-it-a-Whirl 
  • Third, the first person to find and report a legitimate functional bug with the store will, if they place an order, get additional goodies included in their order. Only available once per bug.

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