Thursday, May 21, 2015

Victrix: Upcoming Hard-Plastic Early French Napoleonic Artillery Boxed Set Preview

Victrix: Our Napoleonic French artillery are now nearing release. Johnny Shumate has just sent us the illustrations for the front covers of both sets. Once again Johnny has done a fantastic job. He has captured the uniform details perfectly.

First release will be the early French artillery 1804 to 1812 with options for 8 and 12 pounders. You can build the crew in bicorns, shakos or guard bearskins. There are arm options with shoulder straps or fringed epaulettes. This means you can make ordinary line foot artillery or guard foot artillery and first class gunners. We have been told we will have test shots in the next couple of weeks and then hope to go on sale mid June.

With regards the later French artillery set 1812 to 1815, we are still waiting on confirmed dates for the completion of tooling. We will let you know dates as soon as possible as we know you are eagerly awaiting both of sets (as are we!) The later set has options for year XI 6 pounders and 5.5 inch howitzers. There are plenty of head variants in this set leaving you numerous spares for use in conversions or to combine with other sets. The sets will contain 3 guns and 15 crew and retail at £24.95.

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