Thursday, May 21, 2015

The Ion Age: The Prototype 15mm SuperBlue Adder Vehicle Preview

The Ion Age: What we are showing you here is currently the master of the prototype SuperBlue Adder. While the final design that will be released will be a little different it will be close to the same as what you can see now. We carry out such tests and prototypes upon all of our vehicles and larger items to make sure they are just right and this is the first time I have shown anyone outside of the company such images. 

As you can see the SuperBlue is composed of three pieces. The Hull with its repulsar engine pods and superior armour, the turret with a modified Valerin Laser Cannon and a specially designed floating stand to lift the vehicle off the playing surface. The second image shows the prototype next to an Orange Adder Combat Lifter for scale along with a measurement. This vehicle is a part, a distant part, of the Adder family and will sit well with the dozen Adder Combat Cars and Lifters we already have available.

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