Saturday, November 29, 2014

BigRedBat: To the Strongest! Rules for Ancient Battles Published

BigRedBat: To the Strongest! is a set of simple rules for tabletop wargaming which enable a battle with model soldiers on a dining room table to be won or lost in less than two hours. The rules also support huge battles, with several thousand figures and up to five players a side.

In TtS! a grid enables players to completely dispense with measurement, and so permits the game to move along at a cracking pace. The grid also means that "To the Strongest!" can be played with miniatures that have been based for any of the common wargaming rules systems, and in any scale.

Each battle is fought with a unique activation system that is driven by playing cards. This system introduces uncertainty to a battle; in some turns a unit can move four or five times, and at other times, not even once. The same deck of cards is used to resolve shooting and melee; in fact, no dice at all are used in this system.

The rules have been written in plain English, with appropriate diagrams and many examples of play. They are illustrated with pictures of battles and beautifully painted miniatures. They have proved popular with both veteran wargamers and those that are fresh to the hobby! Grab your copy here.

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