Saturday, September 27, 2014

Wayland Games: Customer Survey 2014, Your Chance to Win a £500 Voucher!

Wayland Games: We have launched the Wayland Games 2014 Survey and we will be giving out a prize of a £500 store voucher for one lucky winner selected randomly from survey entrants on November 15th 2014. Nautrally, we're hoping a lot of people will want to complete the questionnaire. You can find the link on the Wayland Games homepage here as I already finished the survey, I can't give the direct link.

It's a rare chance for us to find out a little more about our customers and the tabletop hobby community as a whole. This includes everything from a couple of questions about yourselves and your gaming habits, to what you're looking forward to and basically find out how we can make Wayland Games an even better online store for all your wargaming, board gaming, card gaming, model making and miniature painting needs. We may also have future surveys which we would like to hear your opinions on. And as an additional thanks, there will be some special voucher codes in our next few newsletters. Make sure to mention Wargame News and Terrain, your wargame news source during the short survey!

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