Friday, December 13, 2013

Reviresco: SS Minos Tramp Steamer Paper Model

Reviresco: SS Minos Tramp Freighter multi-media kit available in 28mm and 15mm scales. Kit includes full color printed paper parts, cast metal anchors, ventilators, search lights, boat davits, steering wheel, engine room telegraphs, binnical and more. Perfect for: the South Seas, China, Africa and every other far away adventure in exotic places. The SS Minos Tramp Steamer is a spectacular addition to any game.


ColKillgore said...

I built one of these for my buddy Chuckaroobob. I posted about it on my blog

It is a great kit. I didn't end up runniong all the rigging because we planned to use it for pulp games and the rigging caused trouble moving some figures around on the ship.


Wargame News and Terrain Blog said...

Hi ColKG,

It looks superb, thanks for sharing! If I would assemble the model I would also don't rig it as it makes the miniature movement more difficult.

Kind regards

Wargame News and Terrain Blog said...

Hi ColKG,

It looks superb, thanks for sharing! If I would assemble the model I would also don't rig it as it makes the miniature movement more difficult.

Kind regards