Monday, December 16, 2013

Pen and Sword: Beyond the Reach of Empire Best Seller

Pen and Sword Books: In the early 1880s the Mahdi unleashed a spectacularly successful jihadist uprising against Egyptian colonial rule in the Sudan. By the spring of 1884 Cairo bowed to British pressure to withdraw. Beyond the Reach of Empire describes how Major General Charles Gordon was despatched to evacuate Khartoum and turn the Sudan over to self-rule, goes on to explain how and why the Gordon mission backfired, and then homes in on Sir Garnet Wolseley's planning and execution of the long-delayed Gordon Relief Expedition, which arrived only two days after the city had fallen and Gordon had been killed. 

Colonel Mike Snook's narrative is characterised by scrupulous attention to detail, an instinctive grasp of the period and an intimate understanding of its setting. The author argues compellingly that the Khartoum affair was mismanaged from the outset. The outcome is the exoneration of Gordon, the man cast in the role of scapegoat, and an indictment of Wolseley's generalship over the course of the last and most deeply flawed campaign of his career.


Steve-the-Wargamer said...

Looks worth getting - do you know if the content is entirely original?? I have his book "Go Strong Into the Desert" and was wondering if the content was re-used???

Wargame News and Terrain Blog said...

Hi Steve, I have no idea if the content is entirely original.

But I'm sure if you email the people over at Pen and Sword, they will know the answer or help you further. If you decide to email them make sure to mention Wargame News and Terrain.

Kind regards