Saturday, September 14, 2013

Khurasan Miniatures: 15mm Modern North Koreans Released!

Khurasan Miniatures: We are very pleased to release our next set of ultra-modern infantry in 15mm scale, the North Korean People's Army ground forces. There are two sets, each with all the models necessary to field a full squad under the current organization – seven riflemen with the Type 68 (a copy of the AKM), two anti-tank specialists with the RPG-7, two SAW-equivalents (in our case, one RPK and one Type 73, an indigenous LMG based on the Czech vz.52) and an NCO with a BaekDuSan pistol (a copy of the Czech CZ 75).

The two sets are a squad wearing the pillbox hat (see above) and a squad wearing the helmet (seen below). As can be seen, the infantry of the Korean People's Army ground forces still wear Soviet-style uniforms, but a canvas cover in a pattern alarmingly similar to Woodland Pattern has recently been adopted, a cause of some concern for the South Korean Army! (A few battalions may be outfitted in uniforms of Woodland Pattern, but these are in basically the same cut as these models, and those units seem to be very rare.)

These were made to complement our popular ultramodern U.S. Army models as potential adversaries, something a little different from the usual Taliban or the increasingly unlikely face-off with the Russians. The North Koreans use antique Soviet armor, either straight copies/purchases or vehicles somewhat modified from those, and we will be releasing models for the T-55, T-62, and Type 59 very soon, followed by the BTR-60, the main APC of the People's Army ground forces. if these releases are favorably received, we will make uniquely North Korean armor (the T-62 conversion called the Chonma-Ho at first) and more packs of infantry, such as support weapons and higher echelon, possibly even the Worker/Peasant Red Guards in their Mao caps. Sculpted by Mike Broadbent, and painted by Rafa – excellent work all around, we think!

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